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#1 2017-08-09 18:42:38

Registered: 2017-05-05
Posts: 2

Lamp Brightness

Would it be possible to make lamp brightness a resin option rather than a setup? 
Some resins require different intensity and it would be easier to have it applied to resin profiles rather than to have to adjust brightness every time you switch to a resin that needs more or less intensity.


#2 2017-08-10 05:31:19

Registered: 2016-02-17
Posts: 3,546

Re: Lamp Brightness

Light color options on profile is available to handle these kind of issues. Another way to handle it to send appropriate commands to projector by gcode boxes.


#3 2017-11-27 17:51:41

Registered: 2016-04-28
Posts: 109

Re: Lamp Brightness

Hi Shahin,

following on this post.  I'm trying to see that the command has been accepted by the projector for birghtness/contrast/color temp etc.  I have mounted the projector to the wall, and can view through the menu remote.  Have the commands for say brightness 10%, 30%, 50% been integrated to the nano?  I'm hoping to add a gcode on the resin screen that will set the birghtness and contrast for that profile before plating.  And I am attempting to test these via terminal if that matters. Thanks!


#4 2017-11-27 18:39:37

Registered: 2016-04-28
Posts: 109

Re: Lamp Brightness

To follow on:
mUVE with nanoDLP base:
Viewsonic Projector - pointed at wall for viewing
all RS232 commands for On/Off work. 

The new commands I am having trouble with or would like to try:
1. Contrast: Up/Down or set to level
2. Brightness - either set to a level like 10%
3. Colorset - to "brightest"  - a user cannot tell what color the projector is set to when turning it on.  A power outage has previously caused the projector to reset and it was unknown before the print.  I solved this by adding g-code at start of print instead of projector on command
4. Brilliant Color level (range of 1-10 on advanced screen): This seems to be a new add for the recent projector I purchased.  (They also seem to have done away with the custom user set-up like user1 user2 etc - that's a bother).

I created custom buttons for brightness up command listed above, but I cannot tell if this command is working.  There is no feedback.  Checking via the menu option.


#5 2017-11-29 06:06:19

Registered: 2016-02-17
Posts: 3,546

Re: Lamp Brightness

I am not sure about viewsonic but for acer command is * 0 IR 025. You should do experiments to find correct way of usage.


#6 2017-11-29 20:05:15

Registered: 2016-04-28
Posts: 109

Re: Lamp Brightness

So I continue to face some issues getting custom buttons set up for some of the commands. 
User 1
Brightness (Up/Down)
Contrast (Up/Down)
Brilliant Color (On/Off)
Brilliance (in advanced range of 1-10)

Here's a screenshot of what I have tried. I'm sure it's the syntax or something simple, any ideas are welcome!

In the first image is the custom button section...

The second image is attempting to input manually through the terminal.  I have tried various designations, but I am not a coder so I am probably off.  The last input in white entry box appears to be accepted, but nothing happens - this code is to turn projector off. This code is the input from the text box for projector off button, it works from the button input but not direct. I was hoping to use this code to determine that my gcode is correct to the printer and would be an easy way for me to know if the command works. Testing the other codes like tilt in this manner work fine.

Please help,

Signed Perplexed on Printing... smile


#7 2017-11-29 20:35:16

Registered: 2016-02-17
Posts: 3,546

Re: Lamp Brightness

Through terminal you can only communicate with RAMPS not projector.
Also terminate your commands based on spec \r\n


#8 2017-11-30 08:19:39

Registered: 2016-04-28
Posts: 109

Re: Lamp Brightness

Thanks Shahin, I'm sorry but I don't understand termination based on spec. is this just to signify end of line command for gcode?  so I should use at each command sent to terminal - or are you saying place this in the custom button sections?


Last edited by elliot (2017-11-30 14:33:28)


#9 2017-12-01 14:30:39

Registered: 2016-04-28
Posts: 109

Re: Lamp Brightness

Hi Shahin,

In looking at this further, will entering the code to the custom buttons be acceptable?  It seems like the supported functions list does not have [[Projector xxxx On]] etc.  It seems it would only be the actual On/Off sections supported, and not for brightness up/down.  Thanks!


#10 2017-12-01 20:21:37

Registered: 2016-02-17
Posts: 3,546

Re: Lamp Brightness

Whatever you put in front of projector keyword will be sent to your projector so it should support any command


#11 2017-12-04 07:56:02

Registered: 2017-05-05
Posts: 20

Re: Lamp Brightness

i also want this function, create customize button can send serial command to control projector. I try but seem not work


#12 2017-12-07 14:13:15

Registered: 2016-04-28
Posts: 109

Re: Lamp Brightness

So I'm still having problems with this command line here is what I'm going to be trying today:

I am using the mUVe version of nanodlp. There has been the question raised if the command is supported because it isn't listed in the gcode commands for [[projector]] - but I know the other on/off commands work. 

1. Which screen and area should I input the commands? 

Since it's resin profile specific, I am going to make changes to the resin profile pages.  There are a few locations possible, these seem most probable.

Resin Profile -> Dynamic Calculation [[Projector xx]]
Resin Profile ->Override Machine Level Settings -> Override Start of print Code  - perhaps input the standard settings used with the addition of brightness/etc tuning.

2. If at all possible, maybe someone else can chime in here, perhaps there is a known method for gray scaling where we use the "light source color" to control.  This would not be my first choice since it's either controlling the color wheel - in which case I need to make spectrum profiles of all colors.  With this one, I don't have a wattage/lumen meter - only a spectrum analyzer and it will be harder to control and keep in process as the bulb goes through it's life. 

3. It's possible to use pixel dimming which would flutter the DMMD and not controlling wattage to the light source. This again, seems not a great method, due to possible aliasing affects.

4. Request for a slider bar - with 5% changes : Contrast, Brightness, Projector RGB settings?  Thank you for considering Shahin.

Would it be too much trouble to ask for a slider bar in the resin section to allow percentage -even a 1-10 at 10% intervals.


#13 2017-12-08 19:41:22

Registered: 2016-02-17
Posts: 3,546

Re: Lamp Brightness

Unfortunately automated brightness change is not possible as it integrated on the slicer not on viewer. So every time you change brightness everything must calculated again.
It could be moved to run time section so before viewing image brightness get applied to the layer. But it will affect performance of viewing layers which is not something we want.


#14 2017-12-08 19:53:12

Registered: 2016-04-28
Posts: 109

Re: Lamp Brightness

Thanks Shahin,

So my understanding at this point is either:
1. manually set projector brightness before print start - direct via remote to the projector. As it cannot be used in the resin profile. 

2. And am I correct in understanding we cannot add this to start gcode?  This solution would be ok because then the projector would revert to standard settings between different prints. Resin profile would proceed as normal as this brightness change would precede the uploaded slices.

3.Use gray scale in the resin profile - though this affects fluttering of the DMMD if I am not mistaken - but could be used as a band-aid to try.

4. One final question, could I ssh into ras-pi to change this, or could I move the rs232 to the computer and use terminal to change settings and then move RS232 back to Ras pi? - would the settings keep for the next print?

Last edited by elliot (2017-12-08 21:33:34)


#15 2017-12-11 07:06:06

Registered: 2016-02-17
Posts: 3,546

Re: Lamp Brightness

1. True
2. True
3. Agree
4. Depends on projector, it usually should keep settings. So if you change it through buttons or computer serial connection, should be enough.


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