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I am building a custom sla printer using nanodlp and a 1440x2560 lcd panel. I got everything configured and working but i am getting a wierd issue in the slicer. The slicer is making image files which are longer in the x axis than the y axis, I have gone over all the settings and they seam fine. What is it that i am doing wrong..
my settings ;
"Name": "MetalDLP",
"Lang": "",
"Email": "",
"Port": 80,
"PrinterType": 0,
"ZAxisPin": 0,
"DirectionPin": 15,
"LimitPin": 33,
"LimitPinB": 22,
"LimitPinMode": 0,
"LimitPinReset": 0,
"WaitPin": 0,
"EnablePin": 18,
"EnablePinState": 0,
"EnablePinMode": 0,
"FaultPin": 0,
"FaultPinState": 0,
"ShutterPin": 0,
"ShutterType": 0,
"ShutterMode": 1,
"ShutterOpen": 500,
"ShutterClose": 2500,
"ShutterOpenGcode": "M106 S255",
"ShutterCloseGcode": "M107",
"ShutterSignalLength": 1000,
"FanOnGcode": "",
"FanOffGcode": "",
"MaxSpeed": 50000,
"MinSpeed": 5000,
"StartupSpeed": 100,
"StopPositionMm": 10,
"ResinDistanceMm": 5,
"ZAxisHeight": 3000,
"MotorDegree": 1.8,
"MicroStep": 16,
"LeadscrewPitch": 2,
"LCDType": 1,
"LCDAdress": 39,
"LCDPath": "/dev/i2c-1",
"ShieldType": 1,
"ShieldEncoding": 0,
"ShieldI2CAddress": 0,
"ShieldUSBAddress": "/dev/ttyUSB0",
"ShieldSpeed": 115200,
"ShieldBootup": "G90\r\nG92 Z[[CurrentPosition]]",
"ShieldShutdown": "",
"ShieldStart": "G90\r\nG28 Z0 F150 P1\r\n[[WaitForDoneMessage]]\r\n[[PositionSet 0]]",
"ShieldResume": "G90 ; Put positioning in absolute mode\r\nG92 Z[[CurrentPosition]] Y0 X0 ; \r\nG1 Z[[LayerPosition]] ; Move to layer position",
"ShieldPause": "",
"ShieldUnpause": "",
"ShieldFinish": "M107\r\nG90\r\nG1 Z100 F200\r\n[[WaitForDoneMessage]]\r\nM18\r\n",
"ShieldAxisMode": 0,
"ShieldPositioning": 0,
"ManualMoveGcode": "G1 Z[[Position]]",
"TopGcode": "",
"BottomGcode": "",
"CalibrationGcode": "",
"CameraFrequency": 0,
"CameraStore": 0,
"CameraCommand": "-w 1296 -h 972 --timeout 700 --awb sun",
"ShutdownPin": 13,
"ProjectorWidth": 1440,
"ProjectorHeight": 2560,
"ProjectorType": 0,
"ProjectorPowerCycle": 0,
"ProjectorSpeed": 9600,
"ProjectorAddress": "",
"ProjectorOn": "* 0 IR 001",
"ProjectorOff": "* 0 IR 002",
"ProjectorLampQuery": "",
"ProjectorLampEffect": 0,
"ProjectorOnSyscall": "",
"ProjectorOffSyscall": "",
"ProjectorWarmup": 0,
"DisplayController": 0,
"ImageMirror": 0,
"LightOutputFormula": "",
"BarrelFactor": 0,
"BarrelX": 0,
"BarrelY": 0,
"FBPath": "",
"XYRes": 47.25,
"YRes": 47.25,
"Mute": 0,
"DisplayID": 0,
"DefaultProfile": 1,
"SpeedFormula": "",
"RemoteSlicer": "",
"Theme": 0,
"CustomValues": null,
"AutoSlice": 0,
"PreviewGenerate": 0,
"PreviewWidth": 0,
"PreviewHeight": 0,
"USBDisplayAddress": ""
Check resin profile resolution related parameters, you probably have a value that modify current resolution.