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Hello, I dusted off my printer to try and get it up and running again, and found that my motor control board is no longer working. I have a L298n motor controller board lying around that I've used to driver steppers before, but it requires the 4 pins on it to be activated in sequence to drive the motor, while NanoDLP seems to just send a pulse over one pin for each step. Is it possible to drive this board directly from NanoDLP, or would I need to setup a python script that took the steps from NanoDLP and translated it into the correct driver signal? Thanks for any help!
I am not familiar with these driver boards, but I have take a quick look at spec. If you are using that to drive stepper motors only 2 pin per motor required one for step another for direction which is the exactly same as we currently use, apparently additional enable pins are for PWM (servo) not steppers.
So I think it could be used by nanoDLP too. Be careful with logic voltage of rpi board.
The 4 input pins actually have to driven in sequence to move the stepper, rather than there being direction and step pins.
Unfortunately it would not be possible to support it directly. You can try python script but I am not sure if you could achieve good speed.
It could be helpful … 49&t=55580
Yeah, that's exactly what I was thinking, thanks!
Pages: 1