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Pages: 1
Hi Shanin,
The latest linux 64 bit nanodlp is builded with glibc 2.32. I'm using glibc 2.31 version and can't run the application. Can you build the latest version with lower version of glibc ? As i know glibc is backward-compatible, not forward-compatible, if you can build the project with lower version of glibc it will be perject.
Due to opengl requirement I build golang with cgo which use current glibc on my OS. musl could be used instead but I think easiest will be using older os, let me see when I can bring up OS for build only.
is there any news about this topic ?
Still on the backlog, will work on it soon.
New NanoDLP build against debian stretch for linux builds, so glibc issue resolved.
I tried latest beta and it worked. Thank you.
Pages: 1