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Pages: 1
Hi all,
Just seeing if I can make this, now old, printer work well again.
I'm going to open it up tomorrow to check the boards and make a backup of the pi image.
I think I've found the correct Phrozen image for it but was wondering
1)Has anyone got this working with latest rasbian/ nano dlp please.
2) do we know the ssh username/ password for it?
3) there's little information I can find on this printer nowdays.
For resin profiles is there some similar printer to use the profiles for
E.g. use the shuffle ones and I should be close?
I'm new to resin (comfortable on fdm and linux/ pis) so am just working out the calibration steps now.
Many thanks and hello!
1. I guess so, even non-nanodlp transformer could run NanoDLP without any hardware modification.
You probably could find profile and other details on Phrozen Transformer group on facebook.
Pages: 1