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#1 2016-03-10 09:52:12

From: Paris, France
Registered: 2016-02-19
Posts: 20

Projector Warmup Time

I like this new feature.
But I would like that the shutter would only open after the warm up period, just before printing the first layer, I think it would be helpful
I currently have installed the build 1039 of the muve3d version, with the shutter connected to the arduino board


#2 2016-03-10 10:13:00

Registered: 2016-02-17
Posts: 3,546

Re: Projector Warmup Time


Currently it works with this order
send gcode start of print / Movement Start => Projector On => Wait for Projector warmup => Start the first layer => Gcode start of layer => Shutter open => Layer display => etc

Apparently muve3d open shutter only once before print. So gcode open shutter code included in start gcodes which runs before projector warmup.

There are quite lots of way to change the behaviour,
1. Move shutter open gcode from "gcode start of print" box to "shutter gcode" box which recently has been added.
2. Wire shutter directly to RPi.
3. Move shutter open gcode to "before layer print gcode" box with conditional which execute it only on the first layer.


#3 2016-03-10 13:04:51

From: Paris, France
Registered: 2016-02-19
Posts: 20

Re: Projector Warmup Time

Thanks for the quick reply,
I tried option 1, involved less changes, but I struggled a little bit with getting it right
I moved to option 2, the wiring was much simpler than I expected and it is working great.
It also improved the pauses before/after printing, now closing the shutter, while in pause. Maybe it was possible to set it up like that while connected to the ramps, but I didn't look over that

thanks again


#4 2016-03-10 15:20:54

Registered: 2016-02-17
Posts: 3,546

Re: Projector Warmup Time

Option 1 should work exactly like option 2 in terms of when to close or open.

Do you think option 1 issue had something to do with nanodlp itself?


#5 2016-03-11 12:14:49

From: Paris, France
Registered: 2016-02-19
Posts: 20

Re: Projector Warmup Time

I'm sorry Shahin, I didn't take notes of the changes I've made
I followed your option 1 instructions, somehow, the shutter was closing during prints, which was weird. I made a few more modifications and trying to root the problem, but I didn't try that hard nor it was that systematic. I don't think it was related to nanoDLP, more related to how I was writing my instructions.
sorry for not being that helpful in this case


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