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Pages: 1
So Hi,
I build a lot of other printers but mostly on marlin framework or self supported systems. Way more the hardware printer tuning side gal.
I am having some teething issues with the WiFi connection. I have no ramp or anything connected currently just monitor and raspberry pi 4. It works and the flash test screen comes up with wired lan, but when I try to get it to move to WiFi it doesn't find it on the network. I tested with PI OS to see the wifi and it does work. So what am I missing guys? Some guidance would be huge help.
I have done a range of resin printer with Creation Workshop in 2014 but that is ages ago and no wifi used as connected direct to computer. Please help really want to be able to run a standalone resin printer for my action figures. With its own operation screen and ability to USB load a files. IS it doable? Sorry to say software/firmware side is very much my weak point.
Kindest Regards
Take a look on your PI 4 SD card
look in wpa_supplicant.conf where you can put in your wifi network name and password
Pages: 1