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#1 2020-12-07 10:20:11

From: France
Registered: 2019-07-12
Posts: 9

Impossible to connect HDMI 2K LCD panel since last update ~4199

Hello to all,
I work on a DIY SLA Printer based on a 8.9" 2K LCD 2560x1600 with PI4, NanoShield V2.2. First of all, I want to thanks all the team that has made a very nice software (web interface, and GPIO drivers) because after many errors from my side, I was testing my printer for several month by building some small parts. Until recently (September), the printer was fully functionnal, but since I have made a complete update (raspbian+last nanodlp build 4199), it's impossible to get my 2K LCD panel worked. I have tried many, many tests configurations for several days in config.txt, updating firmware, making clean installations (raspbian+nanodlp), nothing works now… It’s not possible to get the LCD panel connected with the correct resolution, and impossible to display the calibration image. I have used the same config.txt that worked fine before the last update. So your help would be greatly appreciated to solve this issue. Maybe some parameters or process needs to be added somewhere with the last update, but I don’t know which ones.
What I have tested, if it could may help to find what I do wrong :
-    I have installed only Raspbian Lite (current version) + updated the config file for my 2K panel + connect the LCD panel with the mipi hdmi interface => the panel is correctly connected to the PI (Ok), the display works fine : all the unix boot messages are correctly displayed with a high resolution (OK). I also connect my LCD panel on a standard windows computer, the display and the resolution are correctly identified : So at this step, I’m sure that the LCD panel and the mipi interface, are not breaked. However, Nanodlp is not yet installed at this time.
-    Then I have installed the nanodlp layer by the standard procedure (wget….), upload in nanodlp all my machine parameters to get the good display resolution (2560x1600, 75µm…) as it worked fine before, and reboot. Then in the log of Nanodlp (web panel) I can see a BCM message that indicates a wrong resolution (not 2K, and not the resolution chosen in config.txt). If I add the parameter 4K_enable=1, so the BCM message detects the good resolution (2560x1600) but the signal HDMI with the MIPI interface stops running when nanodlp starts maybe the frame rate is not enough I don’t know…  
-    I have changed the hdmi_cvt by hdmi_timings with the good parameters => any change, nothing works.
-    I have connected an external 2K LCD screen (2560x1440) : with only the Raspian lite installed  and a config.txt file modified for this new screen  => The screen works perfectly with a high resolution, and the resolution is correctly detected in raspi-config. After Nanodlp is installed and running,  the connection with the screen is lost as for the LCD panel, and the screen displays “out of range” (when the parameter 4K_enable=1). Without the parameter 4K_enable, the full resolution of the screen is not correctly set or identified when nanodlp runs.
- I have also done some tests after updated processes (get apt update, get apt upgrade) and a rpi-update, but it doesn't change the main issue...

It's like if 2K resolution LCD panel were no longer recognised,

To test again, I would like to install an old raspbian lite version with a previous version of nanodlp but when I launch the wget process to access an old archive (version archive of 1833,2224 or,2240), it doesn't find them.

If you have any ideas how to solve this,....Thanks in advance for your advices, and your help,

The config.txt file used :

# Enable DRM VC4 V3D driver on top of the dispmanx display stack

hdmi_cvt=2560 1600 50 5 0 0 0


#2 2020-12-07 18:26:58

Registered: 2016-02-17
Posts: 3,546

Re: Impossible to connect HDMI 2K LCD panel since last update ~4199

Try the latest beta, if it does not work go to upgrade page, from there you can downgrade to the old builds.
If it works on the old build, let me know so I can compare builds to find out what is the issue.


#3 2020-12-08 11:19:46

From: France
Registered: 2019-07-12
Posts: 9

Re: Impossible to connect HDMI 2K LCD panel since last update ~4199

Hello Shahin

Thanks a lot for you replies.
So I have done today the following steps, and I have copied the messages that I got
Unfortunatly, I get the same issue with the beta build, and when I have launched the upgrade to a previous version, some errors stop the update process. You will find the messages below if it could help you.

Steps followed today :
1/ Full format of the SD card 32Go with SD Card program => OK
2/ Installation of Raspbian Lite (the current version) => OK (only OS at this step)
3/ Launching the raspi-config to add Fr keyboard, and auto login on console with pi user
4/ Entering in the config.txt file the right parameters for my 2KLCD panel5/ Reboot
6/ Checking the connexion with the 2KLCD Panel   - Connection between HDMI Port 0 of the PI and the HDMI/MIPI card of the LCD panel => OK, green light and stable   - Display works properly, all the boot messages are displayed in high resolution
   - Launching the Raspi-config => Display section => Resolution DMT 87 2500x1600x50HZ is detected as mentioned in the config.txt file
Nota : a DMT 88 also appears ? and gives the same mode as DMT87 (I don't know if this new mode could make a conflict ?)
At this step, nothing is chosen in the display menu to not add new lines in the config.txt file
7/ Installation of the Nanodlp Beta build 4208 - with the wget process
(no errors, the firmware has been successfully updated)
8/ Checking the config.txt file to delete the lines added twice times because of the first update of the config.txt file from my side just after the installation of the OS (For information the lines concerned were display-overscan, pi3-disable-bt)
9/ First Reboot of the PI with the Nanodlp config installed,
10/ Connexion to the Nanodlp web interface  => OK
11/ Uploading the configuration json file for my printer to get the right parameters for the display, GPIO, and the stepper...
12/ new reboot : At the starting of the system, the 2KLCD panel is well connected during 10 seconds approximatively - green led, but the connexion is rapidly lost (blue led flashes). This event is probably synchronized when the Nanodlp program starts to run because when the program starts, I can see the build plate goes to the top level. 
- The first messages in the the log displayed : :
Nota I have noticed that the display resolution is correctly detected (without adding the parameter hdmi_4K_enable as it was the case in my previous tests) even if the HDMI connection is always lost

Messages of the log :
Notice    0    2020-12-08 09:21:50.531333    Monitoring    Usable disk space 27054 / 29677 MB
Warning    0    2020-12-08 09:21:40.656826    BCM    Display with resolution 2560 x 1600 on port 0 detected
Debug    0    2020-12-08 09:21:40.627714    WiFi    Status Monitoring
Warning    0    2020-12-08 09:21:40.627647    WIFI    WIFI interface wlan0 detected
Warning    0    2020-12-08 09:21:40.531867    HMI    Start HMI display on /dev/ttyAMA0
Debug    0    2020-12-08 09:21:40.531358    Pulsing    Moving Up 500 pulses 5 mm
Debug    0    2020-12-08 09:21:40.529586    Pulsing    Moving to top
Notice    0    2020-12-08 09:21:40.529391    Terminal    Terminal Reader Activated
Debug    0    2020-12-08 09:21:40.529277    Hardware    Stepper motor enabled
Debug    0    2020-12-08 09:21:40.529191    Shutter    Shutter Close
Warning    0    2020-12-08 09:21:40.52313    Hardware    GPU Initializing / VideoCore
Notice    0    2020-12-08 09:21:40.523078    Hardware    Initializing build # 4208 - generic
13/ As the issue is still here with the beta build, I have launched the update to the build 2240 in the web interface :
Notice    0    2020-12-08 10:05:03.509881    Upgrade    Downloading... … 0.tar.gz?3
Notice    0    2020-12-08 10:05:03.509681    Upgrade    Upgrade Process Started
Then the connexion with the web interface has been stopped, and then something went wrong in the update process, because, the web interface doesn't start again. As the ssh works, the printer.log is available, and I have got these errors :

2020/12/08 10:05:03.509563 {"Layer":"0","module":"Upgrade","level":"Notice","msg
":"Upgrade Process Started"}
2020/12/08 10:05:03.509827 {"Layer":"0","module":"Upgrade","level":"Notice","msg
":"Downloading... … ux.arm.rpi
2020/12/08 10:05:05.120659 {"Layer":"0","module":"Upgrade","level":"Warning","ms
g":"File does not exists /home/pi/printer/public/boot3/css/bootstrap.min.css ren
ame /home/pi/printer/public/boot3/css/bootstrap.min.css /home/pi/printer/public/
boot3/css/bootstrap.min.css.bak: no such file or directory"}
2020/12/08 10:05:05.205898 {"Layer":"0","module":"Upgrade","level":"Warning","ms
g":"File does not exists /home/pi/printer/public/js/three.js rename /home/pi/pri
nter/public/js/three.js /home/pi/printer/public/js/three.js.bak: no such file or
2020/12/08 10:05:05.272665 {"Layer":"0","module":"Upgrade","level":"Notice","msg
":"Upgrade process is successful"}
./printer: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shar
ed object file: No such file or directory
./printer: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shar
ed object file: No such file or directory
./printer: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shar
ed object file: No such file or directory

So I have stopped here to get more information from you on what I should do to continue the upgrade ?
Thanks a lot,


#4 2020-12-08 21:52:41

Registered: 2016-02-17
Posts: 3,546

Re: Impossible to connect HDMI 2K LCD panel since last update ~4199

Ok it seems your OS does not have required packages to run old nanodlp build.
SSH into the device then run command below
sudo apt install libpng12-0
Then reboot


#5 2020-12-17 14:09:20

From: France
Registered: 2019-07-12
Posts: 9

Re: Impossible to connect HDMI 2K LCD panel since last update ~4199

Hello Shahin

Since our last messages, I come back to give you a feed back of my last tests,

After many, many tests,  with differents configurations of  Raspbian, of the firmware, and previous builds of NanoDlp (2240,2224,4077) it never get a successful display on my 2K LCD Panel.

So I have decided to reinstall all at the last version and as a magical day arrives sometimes, the printer has come to life again ! the LCD panel works perfectly now. I think that you have certainly find this intricate issue and made a patch in the beta build. So thanks a lot for that. 

For information, I have installed the full version of Raspbian with desktop. I know that normaly I should use the lite version, but I wanted get the desktop image to see if the display on my 2K LCD Panel  worked well before to end  with the installation of Nanodlp.

So I can confirm you that for a 2K LCD (2560x1600) panel all works fine with the following versions :
- Linux raspberrypi 5.10.0-v7l+ #1382 SMP Tue Dec 15 18:23:34 GMT 2020 armv7l GNU/Linux (Archive : 2020-12-02-raspios-buster-armhf)
- Firmware version (Dec 15 2020 18:29:44)  Copyright (c) 2012 Broadcom version 4b4aff21f72c5b9ba39d83c7b0f8fa910a6ef99b-
- NANODLP Beta Buid (4219)

Now I need to made some new prints to check if all the processes go to the end without errors,

Thanks a lot for your advices and your help.


#6 2020-12-17 17:51:33

Registered: 2016-02-17
Posts: 3,546

Re: Impossible to connect HDMI 2K LCD panel since last update ~4199

I changed some settings on 4199 in order to have better compatibility but it is very strange even 4077 and older builds were not working.

Thank you for letting me know, I was planning to revert back the changes!


#7 2020-12-17 19:14:04

From: France
Registered: 2019-07-12
Posts: 9

Re: Impossible to connect HDMI 2K LCD panel since last update ~4199

I'm damned ... because after doing a normal shutdown of the system (and a power off), now, when I restart the printer, I get always the same issue : I mean that the LCD panel seems to be well connected (green led on and stable) during the boot, and just after the starting of Nanodlp, the HDMI connexion falls immediatly. It's very strange, and I don't understand anything now...
It's like if after the first test that has been successful after having done a full installation, a flag, or a temporarly file has been set somewhere and cause now to make a bad choice maybe in EDID config, or other when Nanodlp runs. Or more simply, maybe I was lucky in my previous test whereas the configuration still remain instable.

In the web log of Nano DLP : The resolution is ok (2560x1600 on port 0), and the png calibration file is good with the same resolution.

I have made another test as I read this possibility in another thread on the forum : I have set the field framebuffer-path with the value given in the help and just to see the result => when the UV lamps have been lighted on, I saw the graphical desktop of OS only. That means that the LCD panel and MIPI interface are not breaked and  parameters defined in the config file seem to be compatible for the screen. In this test I get no calibration grid, but I thing it's normal as I ask Nanodlp to send the display at a bad port with the random value entered.
I have also noticed, that in the raspi-config/display section, I get two mode (87 and 88 with the resolution of my panel) whereas I defined only the 87 mode in config file, I don't understand why the 88 mode appears and I ask myself if it can cause a wrong selection mode when Nanodlp starts but maybe not.

Is it possible to run the program in a specifig mode (like a debug mode maybe) to have more information when the program use the HDMI connexion and to try to understand why it falls...but I imagine that it's not so simple ... If I can help by testing a specific beta to localise the problem, I can test it, no problems

Thanks again,


#8 2020-12-18 09:48:33

Registered: 2016-02-17
Posts: 3,546

Re: Impossible to connect HDMI 2K LCD panel since last update ~4199

Actually you should not see graphical desktop as NanoDLP should run on lite version of raspian.
One of the tests you can carryout is to have framebuffer working, usually it should work without much effort of the HDMI settings are correct then switch back to BCM.

Will send you email to see if we can find out the cause.


#9 2020-12-21 17:47:53

From: France
Registered: 2019-07-12
Posts: 9

Re: Impossible to connect HDMI 2K LCD panel since last update ~4199

Hello Shahin,

Some good news smile today, I have followed your last advice, and reinstalled the Raspbian Lite (up to date) + the Beta build of NanoDlp in order to use as best as possible the framebuffer field. So when the field is filled, the 2K Lcd panel works (calibration grid is displayed, the connexion Hdmi/mipi remains stable. If the field is empty, it's still impossible to get the display work. So the framebuffer  solves my issue until the true origin will be find.
However, I have noticed a light vertical shift of the display towards the bottom side (probably of 3 or 5 mm) whereas the resolution 2560x1600 is ok, all the cables as been checked. It's strange because previously, the calibration grid, as I could remember, was always perfectly fitted to the screen. I have tried to change overscan parameters in the config file, but it has no effect. I have checked the picture of the calibration grid : The resolution 2560x1600 is ok, but I have noticed that the horizontal lines are not spaced on the same way for all the lines. The space is wider for the last line with the bottom border of the grid. Maybe it's normal depending on the vertical resolution. (The picture displayed is built like that)
Maybe have you an idea of what could be the cause of this shift in the display ? This shift is not a big problem at all as the printer works again. I have launched a test print to check if the result is nice...

So thanks a lot for your help,


#10 2020-12-21 20:58:00

Registered: 2016-02-17
Posts: 3,546

Re: Impossible to connect HDMI 2K LCD panel since last update ~4199

Will be great to find BCM issue too. My guess is also overscan, try the link below to check available settings. … t/


#11 2021-09-04 10:17:12

Registered: 2018-10-04
Posts: 5

Re: Impossible to connect HDMI 2K LCD panel since last update ~4199

Hello there... have you had any success with your issue?


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