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Is it possible to move Z after a Pause and before Resume?
I would like to use Z Axis Calibration to inspect a printing after a pause and if it is ok resume it, but when I press pause I can´t move Z.
Use stop/resume buttons instead of pause.
Thanks fot the tip Shahin!
I created a button that stops, lifts and updates the current position, so I just need to resume after.
Now it is working as I wished.
Use stop/resume buttons instead of pause.
So pause is intended for ? Will be nice to change it into "Pause/view" and have gcode place for pause (move Z + 30) and resume (move Z-30), just to have a quick view if everything is going fine.
I cannot stop and resume print, because endstop is bottom and performing G28 Z0 will destroy model and vat.
Having endstop on top will be a pain to start print at correct Z0.
Am I missing something?
Pause is helpful if you have some concerns and want to pause a printer temporary. Maybe we should let movement gcode to be sent during pause for the mentioned case senario.
Maybe we should let movement gcode to be sent during pause for the mentioned case senario.
This can solve
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