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Speed to first Layer seems to use the "Speed in Slow Section" for travelling from the endstop to the first Layer with GPIO and Dynamic Calculation when not set otherwise in the calculation Box. Is there any chance using the "Min Speed" from the setup page instead? Only for the move to the first layer.
Why you are not using the same value both input?
Because the peeling speed is then too fast.
When i use dynamic calculation for the first layer the speed for both moves is the speed i typed in the box. I want a slow peel move, so the travel move from the endstop to the startpoint is also slow and very long.
When i exclude the first layer from dynamic calculation the speed nanodlp use is the speed from the Slow Section Speed - On Profile Page. This speed is also used for both the down and the up move. For the up move the speed is OK for the slow peeling. But this speed is also used for the long travel move. It is about 4 minutes for my z-axis length. My complete printing time is normally around 30 to 40 minutes - more then 10% spent to the first travel move.
What I expected to get is the much faster Min Speed - On Setup Page or one of the 2 max speed settings for most of the travel and then for the plate dipping in the resin the Slow Section Speed - On Profile Page and then after curing the Slow Section Speed for the peeling.
Another possibilty would be two different dynamic speed boxes for up and down moves. That would be really fantastic.
maybe we should have indicator of direction as variable on gcode boxes.
that sounds even better.
Hello Shahin,
when do you think to introduce the direction indicator variable?
You can use it on the latest beta version. Will be pushed online tomorrow.
Possible values
Before: MoveTo, GcodeBefore, WaitBefore,
Cure Layer: DisplayLayer,
After: WaitAfter, GcodeAfter, MoveToWait, WaitAfterList
Thank you for the fast implementation.
But i'm to stupid to use it.
I tried something like this in the dynamic speed box:
(( [[CurrentAction]] === `MoveTo`) * 25000)+
(( '[[CurrentAction]]' === `MoveTo`) * 25000)+...
also with double quotes, normal quotes, and escaped quotes
resulting in different invalid token messages in the application log.
Then I tried javascript:
[JS]output=("[[CurrentAction]]" === "MoveTo") ? 25000 : 0;[/JS]+
(([[LayerNumber]]>=21) * 500)
producing a invalid token [ message.
Can you please give me a hint how to use it properly.
It is working perfectly fine. I suggest to use [JS] syntax only and do not mix it with previous math logic.
Application Log:
Error 1 2020-05-16 07:34:36.960669 Gcode Math issue [JS]output=('MoveToWait'==='MoveTo')?25000:5;[/JS] -1 Invalid token ‘[’
In the Code Test Box it works fine but not during real printing.
My guess is that you are enclosing js codes inside {} which caused the issue.
No. I just used your single line of code.
Same Error in the Wait after Lift Field.
[JS]var wait =5;output=wait;[/JS]
Application Log:
Error 3 2020-05-16 12:33:24.791544 Gcode Math issue [JS]var wait =5;output=wait;[/JS] -1 Invalid token ‘[’
It happens in all Dynamic Textfields. The preview Boxes are fine. On the machine this errors are shown and the default values are used
Please, recheck the latest beta.
Works fine in Beta 2943. Thank you
Take a look in my log:
Debug 14 Pulsing Movement Finished Pulse 952 / 952 ; Height 9630 / 10582 ; Time 0.6533486558
Debug 14 Pulsing Moving Down 952 pulses 11.9 mm
Debug 14 Pulsing Moving to Layer
Warning 13 Printing Skip a low quality layer
Debug 12 Pulsing Movement Finished Pulse 960 / 960 ; Height 10590 / 9630 ; Time 20.18503133
Debug 12 Pulsing Moving Up 960 pulses 12 mm
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