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I'm having issues getting the Nano DLP patched Marlin firmware to work on my Mini Rambo 1.3. I'm using Arduino 1.0, with the Rambo 1.0.1 board addon. I downloaded the patched Marlin from the mUVe3D github. Since the mini rambo pins are not in the Nano DLP Marlin for this board I tried to add them by copy and pasting the pins from Marlin 2.0 ie the pins_MINIRAMBO.h file. When I run the flashed board the end stop status works fine but I cant get the steppers to engage on pronterface or nano DLP.
The nano DLP console displays 2020/01/07 01:07:10.065414 {"Layer":"0","module":"Terminal","level":"Notice","msg":"Received Data From Controller: Z_move_comp↵"} when I try to move the steppers using the Z axis tool.
Thank you
Heres the code I used to remap the pins
#if MOTHERBOARD == 301
* Rambo Pin Assignments
#ifndef __AVR_ATmega2560__
#error Oops! Make sure you have 'Arduino Mega 2560' selected from the 'Tools -> Boards' menu.
#define LARGE_FLASH true
// Limit Switches
#define X_MIN_PIN 12
#define X_MAX_PIN 30
#define Y_MIN_PIN 11
#define Y_MAX_PIN 24
#define Z_MIN_PIN 10
#define Z_MAX_PIN 23
// Z Probe (when not Z_MIN_PIN)
#define Z_MIN_PROBE_PIN 23
// Steppers
#define X_STEP_PIN 37
#define X_DIR_PIN 48
#define X_ENABLE_PIN 29
#define Y_STEP_PIN 36
#define Y_DIR_PIN 49
#define Y_ENABLE_PIN 28
#define Z_STEP_PIN 35
#define Z_DIR_PIN 47
#define Z_ENABLE_PIN 27
#define E0_STEP_PIN 34
#define E0_DIR_PIN 43
#define E0_ENABLE_PIN 26
// Microstepping pins - Mapping not from fastio.h (?)
#define X_MS1_PIN 40
#define X_MS2_PIN 41
#define Y_MS1_PIN 69
#define Y_MS2_PIN 39
#define Z_MS1_PIN 68
#define Z_MS2_PIN 67
#define E0_MS1_PIN 65
#define E0_MS2_PIN 66
// Motor current PWM conversion, PWM value = MotorCurrentSetting * 255 / range
#define DEFAULT_PWM_MOTOR_CURRENT {1300, 1300, 1250}
// Temperature Sensors
#define TEMP_0_PIN 0 // Analog Input
#define TEMP_1_PIN 1 // Analog Input
#define TEMP_BED_PIN 2 // Analog Input
// Heaters / Fans
#define HEATER_0_PIN 3
#define HEATER_1_PIN 7
//#if !MB(MINIRAMBO_10A) daniel
//#define HEATER_2_PIN 6
#define HEATER_BED_PIN 4
#define PS_ON_PIN -1 // added by daniel
#define TEMP_2_PIN -1 // added by daniel
#ifndef FAN_PIN
#define FAN_PIN 8
#define FAN1_PIN 6
// Misc. Functions
#define SDSS 53
#define LED_PIN 13
//#if !MB(MINIRAMBO_10A) daniel
//#define CASE_LIGHT_PIN 9 daniel
//#endif daniel
// M3/M4/M5 - Spindle/Laser Control
// use P1 connector for spindle pins
#define SPINDLE_LASER_PWM_PIN 9 // Hardware PWM
#define SPINDLE_LASER_ENA_PIN 18 // Pullup!
#define SPINDLE_DIR_PIN 19
// Průša i3 MK2 Multiplexer Support
#define E_MUX0_PIN 17
#define E_MUX1_PIN 16
Hi . I am not familiar with the mini rambo board but from Marlin 1.8 onward's there's a setting for Nano DLP so you shouldn't need to use a "patched" version !!
As far as i know the only reason we've had to use "patched versions of Marlin ( till 1.8) is to give NanoDLP the serial feedback its needs ( move done etc)
The nano DLP support / setting is in cofiguration_adv
* NanoDLP Sync support
* Add support for Synchronized Z moves when using with NanoDLP. G0/G1 axis moves will output "Z_move_comp"
* string to enable synchronization with DLP projector exposure. This change will allow to use
* [[WaitForDoneMessage]] instead of populating your gcode with M400 commands
//#define NANODLP_Z_SYNC
//#define NANODLP_ALL_AXIS // Enables "Z_move_comp" output on any axis move.
// Default behaviour is limited to Z axis only.
Hi . I am not familiar with the mini rambo board but from Marlin 1.8 onward's there's a setting for Nano DLP so you shouldn't need to use a "patched" version !!
As far as i know the only reason we've had to use "patched versions of Marlin ( till 1.8) is to give NanoDLP the serial feedback its needs ( move done etc)The nano DLP support / setting is in cofiguration_adv
* NanoDLP Sync support
* Add support for Synchronized Z moves when using with NanoDLP. G0/G1 axis moves will output "Z_move_comp"
* string to enable synchronization with DLP projector exposure. This change will allow to use
* [[WaitForDoneMessage]] instead of populating your gcode with M400 commands
//#define NANODLP_Z_SYNC
//#define NANODLP_ALL_AXIS // Enables "Z_move_comp" output on any axis move.
// Default behaviour is limited to Z axis only.
Im not so sure, I tried flashing with Marlin 2.0 with Nano DLP adv config options and simple commands like M119 stop working and when I adjust the Z axis the stepper turns on without stopping and towards Z=0. Even 1 stepper pulse seems to make the stepper try to home on Z Min even when the configuration is set for a Z Max and I didn't send a home command. On Pronterface everything seems to work perfectly though, M119 G Code returns accurate end stop readings and stepper movement is flawless. I think I might just buy a different board it seems like the mini Rambo doesn't have much support out there.
To run a resin printer even a simple Mega/Ramps setup would work
I've never tried Marlin 2.0 with anything other than 32 bit boards
To run a resin printer even a simple Mega/Ramps setup would work
I've never tried Marlin 2.0 with anything other than 32 bit boards
Okay I switched to a RAMPS setup. Everything seems to be running well now after changing boards and changing the stepper mode from relative to absolute. I used nano DLP patched Marlin and Arduino version 1.0. I noticed the Z axis refused to move sometimes because the Z position was outside of the Z max or Z min range so I increased the Z height by a lot and set the correct steps per mm. So some combination of these changes has made the Z stepper movement reliable and GCODE communication between nano DLP and the board reliable. Now I'm going to play with the projector settings. Thanks for the help!
That's good news and you're welcome.
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