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The is a posiblity to pass the [[SyscallResult]] obtained from GCODE before each layer, to Dynamic Cure Time? The same question for Dynamic Speed and Lift.
Thank you for all especialy for this modular software!
It is not possible to use syscall result on dynamic cure time. But you can use [[ExecReturn]] keyword to execute and place result inside dynamic cure time.
[[ExecReturn]] supports also parameters? ex: [[python /home/pi/printer/ [[LayerNumber]]]]?
Last edited by 78ATI (2018-02-04 11:47:03)
I try the [[ExecReturn]] is functioning in the Gcode frame (before and after) but in case of Dynamic Cure time, was no returning any resault. Please can you tell me, maybe is not activate, or i do something wrong!
My .py file have only one row: (as test)
print 21
i try also with: sys.stout.write("21");
On Gcode it's work, but on Dynamic Calculation, (lift,cure) i had no chance!
Thank you for your support!
Last edited by 78ATI (2018-02-04 17:29:32)
You are right. It does not work on dynamic cure time.
Could you let me know what you want to achieve?
Hello! I want to make exposure of current layer based on old layer. In fact i need to store a variable somewhere in the program and to "paste it" in the Dynamic cure time.
For me was perfect if the [[ExecReturn...was working on the Dynamic boxes. Can you help me with this? or can you offer me one alternative to check it?
Thank you for all time and help!