A major blind spot on resin 3D printing is lack of measurement tools for 3D manufacturers, resin producers and 3D printing enthusiasts. NanoDLP Analytic Dashboard is a new tool available to monitor both internal data and external sensors. It makes it easy to correlate data from multiple sources. It could be used together with flexible real-time code JS support to make NanoDLP decide many actions in during printing. For example pressure detection and many real-time decisions could be taken.

Internal Data Sources
Currently possible to see realtime flow of data from current sources:
- Slicer data – Solid Area, Area Count, Largest Area
- Current layer information: Cure time, Speed and etc
External Sources
It include many sensors that could be read such as:
- Moister
- Resin Level
- Driver Amper
- Light Intensity
- Pressure
- Temperature
Currently common sensors and platforms already tested
- HX711
- OpenScale
- Serial Device Reading (Comma Separated)
Features of NanoDLP Analytic Dashboard
Currently available NanoDLP features are:
- It read values both during idle and printing time. Many KPIs only available during printing.
- Both realtime monitoring and long term KPI visualization available
- Ability to reset collected data
- CSV export

How to Use NanoDLP Analytic Dashboard?
You can go to setup menu / tools page then click analytic dashboard button. Data collection will start only after visiting this page.
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