You are not logged in.
Thanks you all for information,
I have a 5" display and it's now working, but with a lot of bugs, such us:
wrong image size on preview
when a printing start from browser it don't display the current printing process
have some one fixed the bugs?
I'm not expert but maybe I can fix by myself, can someone show me where I can do this?
thanks a lot
I'm stuck with the same problem on a RPi2B and a Nextion Basic 3.5". I'm running v2. I think I tried all solution I saw online, but I can't find the issue.
I initially thought it was a permission/serial port issue, but after some checking I just realized it's should not.
I did find the problem. I just did not realized you need to change the url in config.json when using non-standard web interface port.
where PORT equals to your port number.
I am writing back in case someone else could find the same problem.
It might be nice to add this info in the README for other users, just in case. Or otherwise any kind of debug info when program cannot connect to the interface. I had been messing around a lot with the serial settings, thinking it was a pi serial configuration problem. Killing node process and running it from console with
DEBUG=* node /home/pi/nextion/bin/index.js
I could notice that program hang after successfully sending the first commands (sleep=0,bkcmd=3,etc) but there was no debug info like "cannot connect to url". It might be helpful to debug configuration.
PS: Thanks again for the great work!
Hi Julien
I reinstall the V2 but It stays on "connecting Printer..." now
any idea?
Hi Julien....
another strange things is that after installation of new v.2 nanodlp doesn't work.....
I have to reinstall image on sdcard
Please, could somebody put a sequentialy list of the step to install nextion sw and work it with nanodlp?
After upgrade installation...I can't use it.....after all I got Always "connecting to printer..." and nothing else.....
Hi All
So at the end I got it!
Julienne I think there is another bug to resolve:
if I put a password on nano....lcd doesn't work.
If do you click on "plate" got all "undefined" plate....and other functions are KO.
I think with a software password....nextion can't access to nano data.....
In the printing mode....still there no preview image on the display....any solution???
Any update?
Hi juliendelnatte,
I added the Dual-state button id23 in Z axis screen to Enable or Disable motor but i don't known how to code or set up any other objects to make it work.
Thank in advance,
Yes, every nextion screen is compatible!
where i can find .tft file for 7'' inch screen?
I would like to upload files.
How do I run the commands in node.js to upload to the nanodlp.db db?
I want to know the code to be uploaded when the submit button on the add-usb page is clicked.
Or are there sites or links to reference?
The code to upload a zip or something else look like this : (where buffer is the file content)
let result = await request({
uri: `${this.serverURL}/plate/add`,
formData: {
'ZipFile': {
value: buffer,
options: {
filename: ''
'Path': "",
'ProfileID': 1
method: "POST",
The code to upload a zip or something else look like this : (where buffer is the file content)
let result = await request({
uri: `${this.serverURL}/plate/add`,
formData: {
'ZipFile': {
value: buffer,
options: {
filename: ''
'Path': "",
'ProfileID': 1
method: "POST",
The await command is known to work with the node js 7.x version.
Thanks for the answer.
My Raspberry Phonode js version is 6.4.
If you check the version with node -v after updating the latest version, 6.4
If you check with nodejs -v, you will see 8.9 (8.x version installed).
I still can not upload files ^^;
File in bin folder are transformed from src by gulp, and gulp will transform "await" instruction in promise,...
File in bin folder are transformed from src by gulp, and gulp will transform "await" instruction in promise,...
return (0, _requestPromiseNative2.default)({
uri: '${this.serverURL}/plate/add-usb'
formData : {
ZipFile : {
value: '/media/usb0/test123.stl',
options :{
filename : 'test123.stl'
Path : "test123",
ProfileID : 2
enctype: 'multipart/form-data',
method : "POST",
timeout: 10000
The result is like this: Please help me
Promise {
_c: [],
_a: undefined,
_s: 0,
_d: false,
_v: undefined,
_h: 0,
_n: false }
Last edited by uups (2018-01-10 13:48:43)
My touch screen connected to the printer, but I can't control the z axis or projector, just nothing happen when touch screen and plates is undefined.
What is wrong?
Problem is solved.
Last edited by renza (2018-01-16 22:14:23)
upload result : Promise {
_c: [],
_a: undefined,
_s: 1,
_d: true,
Request {
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{ error: [Function: bound ],
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callback: [Function],
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writable: true,
explicitMethod: true,
Querystring {
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parseOptions: {},
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pass: null },
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path: '/plate/add-usb',
href: 'http://localhost/plate/add-usb' },
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[ 'Location',
'Fri, 19 Jan 2018 13:50:25 GMT',
'text/plain; charset=utf-8',
'close' ],
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{ IncomingMessage: [Object],
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_header: 'POST /plate/add-usb HTTP/1.1\r\nhost: localhost\r\ncontent-type: multipart/form-data; boundary=--------------------------675221275423995844651992\r\ncontent-length: 27288\r\nConnection: close\r\n\r\n',
_headers: [Object],
_headerNames: [Object],
_onPendingData: null,
agent: [Object],
socketPath: undefined,
method: 'POST',
path: '/plate/add-usb',
_ended: true,
parser: null,
res: [Circular] },
response: [Circular],
originalHost: 'localhost',
originalHostHeaderName: 'host',
responseContent: [Circular],
_ended: true,
_callbackCalled: true },
toJSON: [Function: responseToJSON],
Caseless {
{ location: '/plates',
date: 'Fri, 19 Jan 2018 13:50:25 GMT',
'content-length': '0',
'content-type': 'text/plain; charset=utf-8',
connection: 'close' } },
read: [Function],
body: '' }
The result is like this...
Hello, I am buying the material to make a 3d printer, and one of the most important things is that I want it to be autonomous without any PC, I saw the video on YouTube and I started to set up the system ... but I have a problem and I see in this thread that happens to several users .... First of all apologize because I have never handled anything based on Linux and I use the google translator so it probably complicates a bit the comprehension of the text !.
I'll tell you the steps I've taken:
1º Install nano dlp as indicated on the web downloading the image and install it using Win32DiskImager. I connect by network to see and charge the nanodlp website and no longer touch anything else.
2º download the files from the link of juliendelnatte to install the application on the screen and install the 3.5_enhanced.tft load it restart and you can read: connecting to the printer ...
3º connect the screen to the rx, tx ports and the lcd power to the Pi3 the plug.
4º through putty start session and copy the line of the simple installation for a Pi3 made the installation and restart but never connect ...
Surely the fault is the simplest, but I am more lost ....
I wait for news. Thank you very much, greetings Jose Ramon.
Hello, I have already solved it ... I did a reinstallation a couple of times but I still had the same problem, so I checked the post again ... and I saw that Truby put some steps to follow (these at the beginning do not look at them thinking that were part of the program) I followed all the steps up to 4.1 and 4.2 that I can not do them (these are important?) and already connect with Pi ...
a greeting
I make all by instruction but on LCD ctill "Connecting to printer..."
I'm not quite understand about this:
#!/bin/sh -e
node /home/pi/nextion/bin/index.js 2> /home/pi/nextion/errorOutput.log > /home/pi/nextion/output.log &
#!/bin/sh -e
# rc.local
# This script is executed at the end of each multiuser runlevel.
# Make sure that the script will "exit 0" on success or any other
# value on error.
# In order to enable or disable this script just change the execution
# bits.
# By default this script does nothing.
/bin/bash /home/pi/printer/config/
exit 0
my home/pi/nextion/output.log
{ nextion: { port: '/dev/ttyAMA0', sleep: 30 },
pushbullet: { apiKey: null } } { apiKey: null }
connect to port /dev/ttyAMA0
list [ { comName: '/dev/ttyACM0',
manufacturer: 'Arduino__www.arduino.cc_',
serialNumber: 'Arduino__www.arduino.cc__0042_8563334323935130C132',
pnpId: 'usb-Arduino__www.arduino.cc__0042_8563334323935130C132-if00',
vendorId: '0x2341',
productId: '0x0042' },
{ comName: '/dev/ttyAMA0',
manufacturer: undefined,
serialNumber: undefined,
pnpId: undefined,
vendorId: undefined,
productId: undefined },
{ comName: '/dev/ttyS0',
manufacturer: undefined,
serialNumber: undefined,
pnpId: undefined,
vendorId: undefined,
productId: undefined } ]
error opening port /dev/ttyAMA0 retry in 2 seconds
list [ { comName: '/dev/ttyACM0',
manufacturer: 'Arduino__www.arduino.cc_',
serialNumber: 'Arduino__www.arduino.cc__0042_8563334323935130C132',
pnpId: 'usb-Arduino__www.arduino.cc__0042_8563334323935130C132-if00',
vendorId: '0x2341',
productId: '0x0042' },
{ comName: '/dev/ttyAMA0',
manufacturer: undefined,{ nextion: { port: '/dev/ttyAMA0', sleep: 30 },
what am I do wrong?
If I make simple instalation (
I see
2018-02-05 14:49:44 (115 KB/s) - ‘node-v6.4.0-linux-armv6l.tar.gz’ saved [12746855/12746855]
unlink: cannot unlink ‘/usr/bin/node’: No such file or directory
unlink: cannot unlink ‘/usr/sbin/node’: No such file or directory
unlink: cannot unlink ‘/sbin/node’: No such file or directory
unlink: cannot unlink ‘/usr/local/bin/node’: No such file or directory
unlink: cannot unlink ‘/usr/bin/npm’: No such file or directory
unlink: cannot unlink ‘/usr/sbin/npm’: No such file or directory
unlink: cannot unlink ‘/sbin/npm’: No such file or directory
unlink: cannot unlink ‘/usr/local/bin/npm’: No such file or directory
Hello dear friends.
I used 4.3" nextion display for my NanoDLP project. it is work but have many bugs
such as some keys not working or preview pictures in wrong location and not preview layer that is printing.
also I want to customize my touch screen LCD but I don't understand its Algorithm(rpi's nextion program Algorithm)
Can you help me;please?
Last edited by Kaveh (2018-02-08 21:24:06)
This is turning out to be the biggest ball ache/nightmare on earth for anyone who owns a Pi3b/B+ for the love of god is there a kind soul out there that could upload a working .img to dropbox or similar for the benifit of the community. If someone get me a cop I will host it somehow.
Last edited by lukeglazebrook (2018-03-01 21:49:18)
Hi there,
first of all, I appreciate a lot juliendelnatte's efforts to provide an Nextion ui for nanodlp! Thanks for that!
As many others I also struggled with installation resulting in hanging "Connecting to printer..." in first place.
I went through all good recommendations of this thread, but was not able to resolve it until I followed the installation script of the following link:
A couple of questions:
- are there additional ressources of documentation/ user-groups other than this thread and the readme on GitHub that go more into details ( to prevent RTFM's)?
- would it be possible to display on the Home-screen the TCP/IP assigned to the printer to access it via Web-UI (as it still seems to be needed for uploading files)?
- is there already an option on the Nextion-UI (or would it be possible to add....) for initiating shutdown and reboot?
Regards and thanks in advance
BTW: Im working on a nextion version of that thing:
Last edited by ToS (2018-03-22 14:37:18)
Thanks to everyone's input in the forum. I was able to get past the "Connecting to Printer" stage and control my D7 through the touch screen.
I am running into an issue though.. When I go to the "Z Axis Calibration" page, I cannot back out using the "Home" button.
Does anyone know a fix for this problem?